January Development Progress

Both December and January have been exceptionally productive for the Sigma Labs team. We’ve been dedicated to crafting a strong product that could capture the interest of the broader crypto community. With this renewed focus, our determination to bring Sigma Zero to fruition has only grown stronger.


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Late December to Early January Accomplishments

During the week of December 18, our team made significant progress across various fronts. We began by meticulously reviewing documentation, compiling requirements, and engaging in discussions to outline a complete implementation strategy. Simultaneously, we delved into researching and initiating work on contract methods and structuring. Setting up a foundational hardhat project and advancing database design and diagramming were also key achievements. As our database design evolved, we focused on improving schema descriptions, SQL queries, and migration tools while updating documentation with essential tech stack details.

We further refined contract definitions and functionality descriptions, actively contributing to documentation enhancement. Through collaborative efforts and thorough discussions, we iteratively improved contract drafts and structural elements, meticulously addressing technical nuances and contract values limits. Debugging and testing were integral components of our process, involving rigorous testing setup, debugging, and refinement to ensure robustness and accuracy. Additionally, we explored Solidity patterns and devised solutions to address issues related to user transactions and timestamps, laying a strong foundation for future contract implementation.

Continuing our momentum into the week of December 25, we focused on integrating contract changes into our database design, updating diagrams, and documentation accordingly. With a keen eye on database integrity and functionality, we meticulously debugged and refined SQL scripts to ensure smooth operation. Simultaneously, we commenced the integration of Ethers into our backend infrastructure, installing essential libraries and addressing any arising issues promptly. Rigorous testing and debugging persisted, particularly in areas such as calculating winnings and ensuring seamless contract interaction within our backend systems. Additionally, we enhanced our local development environment, set up wallets for testing purposes, and expanded our contract testing suite to embrace TypeScript implementation. These efforts underscore our commitment to delivering a robust, well-tested, and meticulously documented solution as we progress towards our development milestones.

During the week of January 1, our development efforts saw substantial progress in strengthening our infrastructure and fortifying the reliability of our smart contracts. We established a local development environment and created dedicated wallet addresses for development purposes, ensuring secure transactions within our system. Expanding our smart contract testing, we implemented Typescript for enhanced test runner functionality and set up a local Hardhat node for efficient testing and validation. Additionally, we compiled comprehensive README documentation and optimized our workflow with a logger and improved path resolution for ts-node.

Database configuration was refined for seamless integration with our backend systems, while enhancements to our contract service facilitated flexible contract management. We improved contract testing capabilities with the addition of contract getters and implemented code sanitization measures to uphold code integrity. Moreover, we added support for Waffle contract testing, enabling comprehensive validation and debugging. Throughout these efforts, rigorous debugging was conducted with Ethers and Waffle to ensure the reliability of our smart contracts. These accomplishments highlight our dedication to delivering a robust and thoroughly tested solution as we progress towards our development milestones.

Mid January Accomplishments

Over the past few weeks, our focus has been on refining and enhancing various aspects of our project. We’ve made significant progress in several key areas, including further development of smart contracts and updating our test suite to ensure comprehensive coverage. Additionally, we’ve been working on improving the documentation in our README files for both the backend and frontend components of the project.

In addition to these tasks, we’ve addressed specific issues such as fixing a bug related to earnings calculation and adding testing for the distribution of earnings. Furthermore, we’ve developed a service to fetch token information and begun outlining instructions for database entries to store various data points such as bets, results, and user transactions.

Looking ahead, we have scheduled checks to occur when bets end and have implemented functionality to call specific events related to bet placements. Moreover, we’ve updated parameters within our smart contract for clarity and initiated the process of auditing the smart contract. Finally, we are preparing to deploy the smart contract to the testnet environment, marking a significant milestone in our development journey.


In February, our focus will be on fine-tuning our tokenomics to better align with the current market conditions, ensuring that our approach remains agile and responsive. Concurrently, our development efforts on Sigma Zero will continue, as we strive to deliver a platform that redefines the crypto landscape. Moreover, we are actively exploring strategic partnerships with high-value influencers, aiming to leverage their reach and credibility to drive user adoption and engagement for our debut. By creating these collaborations, we aim to attract a growing base of daily active users to our platform, laying the foundation for long-term success and sustainability in the competitive crypto industry.

We eagerly anticipate sharing Sigma Zero with our community, as it will provide us with valuable feedback upon the completion of our first iteration!